Friday, March 21, 2014

Another year to go...

Ciao people of the music world! Can I just admit to you guys that my skills of keeping up with this blog, utterly suck. Never mind my persistence, onto the things that are important. So to update you on all that has occurred, you're going to need to keep on reading!

A like last year I created a video dedicating it to that years marching season. So I decided to make another one just for all my band roadies! Here is the link, hope you enjoy it! It is a seven minute video, but take the time to watch it all...its actually really nice.

Onto other things, the school musical! I auditioned on my violin (yes I know I am a traitor) and got a spot in the pit orchestra with some fellow musicians. Our rehearsals have been something of indifferent. They're extremely funny, and they bring us all together/closer as friends. The director of the pit, is one of the band directors. Last week he made "fake twitter" posts about each section. For those in orchestra, you'll understand the photo below. Anyway for those of you who aren't stringers, it pretty much means... "Oh hey, yeah you have to go up another three octaves. Play those notes that everyone hates anyway". That would be the meaning of the photo. But all together the director made a photo for himself on a background of spongebob saying "For Ralph Burns!", it's an inside joke that goes off last years musical Thoroughly Modern Millie. Now that I think about it, I haven't told you want our performance is this year! We are in production of Hairspray, the Musical. Fun, right!? To be honest, there are a lot of jokes/sayings in this show that could be interpreted as a bit much for a high school production. But lets be serious, if Millard North could put on a production of RENT, then we shouldn't have a problem.

(If you were wondering what the profile picture is, I found a larger version of it)
Well this post has come to an end, again I will try to make a promise to be more active in this blog. I really do love talking about school life, and how music is so involved in my personal life!
So to keep with tradition....

~ Band Geek ♫♪♫