Monday, December 17, 2012

Long time no see!

Hey guys! Wow I know it's been some time since I last posted on here. But lately I've been stuck trying to study and at least getting a passing grade in my classes before Christmas Break comes. Which is this Friday might I add! Super excited for the break, not so much for the finals and tests and projects. GRRR!!!! Just have to love school don't ya?

Anyway, after Christmas break I get a totally new schedule....just so you have an idea.

Block 1: Band/Orchestra
Block 2: Honors English
Block 3: Honors Geometry
Block 4: AP World History

Now that you have an idea of what I get to endure for the rest of the should all wish me luck. LoL I'm totally kidding but a good luck would be welcomed. Alright so as I said earlier I get out this Friday the 21st, then I get to go back to school the 7th of Jan. I wish we could have a longer Winter break, it just seems fair doesn't it? I mean we work our butts off to finish school work, study for exams and quizes, try not to fail each class, and be involved with extra circcular activities like Marching band, Jazz Band, Symphony Orchestra, and even the occasional Pep Band! We have to take extra time out of our days to accomplish all of that plus study, and do homework. Us Band geeks live such a hard life don't we?

Alright I have to scadaddle (new word that my section is using to say gotta run) I've got plenty of Homework and Studying I have to do myself. So I'll post later Band Geeks!

~Band Geek

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